Monday, May 26, 2008

Team Quote II

“This is all testosterone fuelled, macho bullshit.” - Sharon (Andy’s wife)talking about climbing big mountains

“You mum likes the website, but she dislikes the pictures with the ladders.” - Pat (James’s father)

“Let’s play a game of Gin Rummy to see who carries the sleeping bag to camp 4.” - the Team talking about the one sleeping bag we will all share at Camp 4

“What happens at Camp 4 stays at Camp 4” - James

“I have paid all this money to sit next to a flatulent Irishman” - Anselm

“We will have to try and get the better quality SPAM next time” - Jamie

“This is making me want to die” – Anselm wanting desperately a card game to finish

“The women all though anyone who puts their life in peril were crazy; the men all understood the thrill of pushing themselves to the limit – I guess that is why they say women are from Venus and men are from Mars!” - conclusions of a NY dinner party when talking about climbing Everest

“I even lathered my pits twice” – David

“You’re getting up a lot earlier, but you’re just not as bright as what you need to be” – David to Andy early one morning

“Which direction will I point the solar panel?” - Andy

“When our climbers are strong, the Sherpas are happy!” – an unhappy Sirdar, Dewa Sherpa

“Andy, whatever are you doing up there you silly f!@#$%?” a text msg received by Andy from Simon

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